Another police officer arrested for sodomising teen

Less than three weeks after several police ranks were transferred and one placed under close arrest following allegations of sexual assault, three others are now in hot water for allegedly committing a similar act on a teenager in Georgetown.

The three ranks were placed under close arrest after allegations surfaced that they had sodomised a 16-year-old boy while he was in their custody at the Stabroek Police Outpost Sunday evening. According to information received, the teenager was arrested about 21:00h on Sunday and taken to the Stabroek Police Outpost where one rank in uniform and two others in plain clothes committed the act.

The police in a release stated that investigations are being conducted into the report received on Tuesday.

Information reaching Guyana Times International revealed that after the allegation was made, the teen was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital on Tuesday evening for a medical examination to confirm whether or not he was sexually molested. The teenager is believed to be a commercial sex worker.

After being examined, the teenager was questioned by a social worker. A report is expected to be furnished to the police as early as today (Thursday).  The teenager was recently released from the New Opportunity Corps (NOC), Essequibo Coast, but while there he was reportedly scolded for his sexual misconduct.

An aunt of the teenager told media operatives that her nephew would leave home late at night and would visit a popular spot on North Road where male sex workers assemble.

She went on to say that after he did not return home on Sunday evening, she went in search of him and later found out that he was arrested for prostitution.  She went to the Stabroek outpost, but when she arrived there, she was told that he had already been taken to Brickdam pending charges.

The woman stated that when she arrived at Brickdam Police Station, she was not allowed to see her nephew. He was subsequently released, but did not tell her what had transpired. The relative said the incident was brought to her attention on Tuesday afternoon.

She immediately took her nephew to the police station where she made a report and the teenager was sent to the Georgetown Public Hospital to be examined.

This allegation comes just weeks after the Colwyn Harding story broke to much public outcry. Harding accused the ranks at the Timehri Police Station of sexual assault, saying the police used a baton.

The matter was investigated by members of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and a report of the findings is with the Police Complaints Authority chairman, former Chancellor of the Judiciary, Cecil Kennard.

In an interview with this newspaper on Monday, Kennard said several recommendations have been made for disciplinary actions to be taken against the ranks, but there must be sufficient evidence before criminal charges are instituted. He is expected to give his recommendations by the end of the week and the file is to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice.


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